
Tip of the Week: Ways to Improve Your Workplace Focus

Tip of the Week: Ways to Improve Your Workplace Focus

While we all like to think we are paragons of productivity, the reality of the matter is that it’s far too easy to become distracted while trying to get work done. How do you stay focused when there are so many distractions out there? It all starts with controlling your environment and changing the way you approach these distractions. (more…)

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Tip of the Week: Using Filters to Organize Your Inbox

Tip of the Week: Using Filters to Organize Your Inbox

While email has remained a major communication tool for businesses for quite some time, a lot of us might still be struggling to keep it organized. Alternatively, a lot of us may have just given up, allowing our inboxes to become a virtual dump of old communications and check-ins. Fortunately, with a little bit of time now, you can turn...

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The Correlation of Productivity and Patience

The Correlation of Productivity and Patience

A business that has workers that are above average at maintaining productivity is typically a successful business. There are an endless number of suggestions on how to be and remain productive, and how to sustain that productivity. One thing that isn’t typically mentioned in all of that self-help advice is the role that patience plays in productivity. This month we...

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Strategies Anyone Can Use to Maintain High Levels of Productivity

Strategies Anyone Can Use to Maintain High Levels of Productivity

Productivity improves as time management improves. It seems like a simple notion, but if you aren’t deliberate about managing your time, there isn’t much positive movement that is going to be had in the productivity meter. This month, we thought we would help you by giving you a few strategies that will work to improve your employees’ productivity. (more…)

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Build a Business People Want to Work For

Build a Business People Want to Work For

Running a business is hard. There are a million-and-six things that have to be done each day just to keep the doors open. For this reason, it is crucial that a business’ employees want to be there. In today’s competitive marketplace, there simply isn’t time to waste on workers that don’t pull their weight. So, how do you get them...

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In-House or Remote, Automation Brings Value

In-House or Remote, Automation Brings Value

Automation, as a concept, is a clearly useful capability… whether an employee is working remotely or is located in the office for regular operations. Indeed, many businesses are now encouraging their team members to do both. Let’s review how a hybrid workplace can have a positive experience with automation in place… and why it's important, for security’s sake. (more…)

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Your Business Can Benefit from RICE Prioritization Framework

Your Business Can Benefit from RICE Prioritization Framework

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • December 8, 2021
  • Business

You may have heard of the RICE prioritization framework for developing new products, but we believe that it can be applied to not just products, but also to services and even project implementation practices. What is this framework, and how can you use it when developing new ideas for your business? (more…)

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Automation Has Workers Looking Over Their Shoulders

Automation Has Workers Looking Over Their Shoulders

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • November 11, 2021
  • Business

Automation does nothing but help businesses, but can the same be said for the people that work at these businesses? With more systems relying on some semblance of artificial intelligence, smart automation could replace up to a quarter of the current workforce over the next ten years. Today, we will take a look at the importance of profitability and how...

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Should Your Business Consider the Four-Day Workweek?

Should Your Business Consider the Four-Day Workweek?

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • October 29, 2021
  • Business

The traditional 40-hour workweek feels like a staple in the business world, where employees work 8 hour shifts and then head home for the day. This was not always the case, however, and there can be a case made that even the 40-hour workweek should be adjusted to at least some degree. Let’s take a look at the modern workplace,...

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AI Is an Impressive Technology, but How Can It Help Your Business?

AI Is an Impressive Technology, but How Can It Help Your Business?

Artificial intelligence used to be the work of science fiction, but nowadays it is seen as very real and a possibility for businesses of all types. There are benefits to artificial intelligence, but it could also create problems in the future. Let’s take a look at some of these advantages and disadvantages. (more…)

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